Welcome to the New Mexico Court Education Institute!
The Supreme Court of New Mexico created the Court Education Institute (CEI) on May 30, 2023.
CEI follows national standards for judicial branch education. These standards are updated every few years to accommodate changes in how the courts function, as well as technological changes that can be used in court education. We have seen these transformations in court education across the nation, as many of our colleagues who pioneered long standing court education programs have adapted their programs to the ever changing, ever evolving landscape of what we call… justice.
During these initial stages, we intend to identify the diverse needs of the courts and the public: This includes all judges and staff, high volume courts and low volume courts, as well as the communities we serve.
The Court Education Institute is working to expand and enhance existing programs as well as offer completely new in-person and online programs, which will include a strong leadership track to provide opportunities for judicial branch personnel growth in their existing roles, while creating a path for future leadership within the judiciary.
To do all this, which won’t happen overnight –but it will happen– we need proper infrastructure: We plan to launch a robust eLearning platform that allows participants to enroll in courses, track their progress, and build their own learning plan based on individual continuing education requirements and areas of interest.
The Institute has also launched an e-Library, which offers toolkits, bench cards, desk cards, manuals and video tutorials available on demand 24/7.
Last but not least, we will follow the continuous improvement model, for which we will constantly seek feedback and input from you and all stakeholders.
I’d like to close with something Justice Edward L. Chavez once wrote: “Justice is a community project.” I couldn’t agree more. And so is court education. I look forward to working with you!
Paula Couselo-Findikoglu, Court Education Institute Director